You won the first match.
And I remember complaining that the FG players had more thaws than than the T32 players in that match who are used to Freon.
I also think that FG has the better survival instincts.
The server setup (click when ready, player auto balance etc) was abit sloppy because it still runs on the old Titan backend, which somehow wouldn't work as intended in the new environment.
Yes, more matches like this should take place. Maybe not with fixed special dates but a bit more loosely with a weekly time where people know that they can join for cross community matches.
BTW, I didn't know if you still were there. But people from both communities suggested a cross community ONS night too, last night.
As for Freon: The WJG server is always open and usually populated around 22:00 CET every night. And WJG knows the TAM server adress and the time it is populated too.